Thursday, February 4, 2010

Evaluation of Video from K12 Online

The image to the left shows a snapshot of the video I watched from It was a really interesting video because it showed great ways to incorporate technology into young elementary classrooms. One thing you have to remember when working with students younger than 13 is the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA). This restricts students of young ages to participate in social networking and some online sites that could be beneficial for teachers to use. This video provides many solutions to this problem. One of the websites that is very beneficial for younger students, according to Kelly Hines, is Wall Wisher. Wall Wisher allows students to post sticky notes online for all classmates to see. The next website Mrs. Hines mentioned is Wordle. Wordle shows a large collection of a variety of words that describes an event, a main idea, or topic. Students then have to work together to determine what the correct answer is. This allows discussion to arise in the classroom environment. Another interesting feature of Wordle is that the teacher can create their own Wordle creation!! This website looks so fun and I will definitely bookmark this on Delicious. A third website mentioned in the video is Comic Creators/Comiq. This website allows students to create their own comics based on different topics that relate to the classroom. For example, Mrs. Hines had the teachers create comics on the four different type of sentences using Garfield. Students really enjoy being able to imagine and create things on their own. The final website mentioned in the video is Edmodo. This website allows students to communicate with each other and the teacher using a note feature. Teachers and students are also able to create polls and ask questions to the whole class. All of the websites provided in this video were very beneficial. I am so glad that I was able to find this video. I will definitely remember these websites when I become an educator! If you are interested, I would view this video by clicking on the link below! :-)

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